The introduction of the books ஞானப்பள்ளு regarding Tamil literature and திருவிவிலியத்தின் பழைய ஏற்பாட்டில் சிற்ப கட்டடக்கலை regarding Sculptural Architecture in the Old Testament of the Bible, written by Mary Winifreeda Chandrasekhar, lecturer in the Department of Christian Civilization at the University of Jaffna, was held on the 7th of May at the Ahavoli Family Services centre Hall.
This event was jointly organized by the Diocesan Laity Commission and the Christian Civilization Department of the University of Jaffna. Mr. Jonson Rajkumar, Advisor of Zonal Education Jaffna, presented the evaluation for the book ஞானப்பள்ளு and Mrs. Babsy Mariyathasan, the lecturer at the National College of Education, Kopay, presented the evaluation for the book திருவிவிலியத்தின் பழைய ஏற்பாட்டில் சிற்ப கட்டடக்கலை.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Jebanesan, the retired bishop of the church of south India, was the chief Guest Prof. Sri Satkunaraja the vice- chancellor of the University of Jaffna was the special Guest, Prof. Balasuntharam pillai Lecturer of the University of Jaffna, Prof. Shivalingaraja Retired Lecturer of the University of Jaffna, Rev. Fr. Jeyanthan Pachek the provincial of the congregation of Mary Immaculate, Prof. Raguram the dean of Arts faculty of the University of Jaffna, also graced the occasion as honorable Guests.