The 15th death remembrance of Late Rev. Fr. Sarath Jeevan, who died on the 18th of May 2009 on the last day of the civil war in the Mullivaaikal area, was commemorated on the 18th of May at St. Fatima’s Church, Uruthirapuram.

This event, held under the guidance of  Rev. Fr. Paul  Anakilit, the parish priest of Uruthirapuram, was    presided over by Rev. Fr. Jeyakumar, the dean of  Illavalai Deanery, who celebrated the requiem mass.

Following the Holy Mass, memorial events were held to remember the events of the 18th of May 2009.

Many priests, religious members, and people participated in the event.

On that day, thousands of people were killed and injured, and thousands disappeared, including Rev. Fr. Francis Joseph.

It is noted that Rev. Fr. Francis Joseph, who was helping militants to surrender within the military-controlled area, was taken along with the militants in a bus and subsequently disappeared.

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